The Ocean Sea Wave has been designed by a Marine Aquarist with 40 years hobbyists enthusiasm behind me ,being a keen scuba Diver too I was always seeking to try and replicate the tidal currents and water movement that Fish, invertebrates and Corals experience in the wild ,fixed position Wave Generators do great surge and wave motion but this is really in a fixed position within the Aguarium.
if a Wave Generator could Oscillate over an arc angle this would replicate water flow of current racing across a reef in a totally random fashion, especially if used in conjunction with another Ocean Sea Wave at the opposite end of the Aquarium Oscillating at a different speed .
Corals also benefit from this sweeping tidal movement ,sps and Anemones can be kept at bay ( please see our YouTube video to see this in action) .
Detritus build up on rocks and Corals is also avoided ,the constant sweeping helps move water that would normally be a dead area for detritus to settle ,detritus in bare bottom Aquariums is also a problem the Ocean Sea Wave helps avoid this unsightly problem.