Why is it important?
Maintaining a healthy marine tank is essential for keeping your fish, corals and other marine life happy and healthy.
By following these 10 steps, you can ensure that your aquarium is well taken care of and able to provide the best possible environment for its inhabitants. With regular maintenance, you will surely have a beautiful tank for years to come.
Whats Important:
Monitor Water Quality:
It is essential to monitor your water quality to ensure your marine life’s health and safety. Test for ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, salinity and pH regularly to ensure all levels are within a safe range. We recommend using digital Hanna checkers.
Clean Your Aquarium:
Waste materials like fish waste, excess food and algae can accumulate in the tank over time. Regularly cleaning the tank is essential for good water quality and to prevent any detritus buildup. This includes changing a portion of the water, using a vacuum to clean gravel or substrate, and cleaning any rocks within the tank or using bacteria additives to help support the break down of waste. Finally, cleaning the glass using a magnetic cleaner shows good husbandry when it comes to maintenance.
Feed Your Fish Properly:
Overfeeding or underfeeding your fish can cause various health issues, so it is important to feed them the right amount at regular intervals. Follow the recommended feeding guidelines for each species and avoid overfeeding. We recommend Vitalis Pellet.
Check your RO regularly:
Checking your RO unit is at 0TDS will help protect your fish and other marine life from harmful toxins in tap water. Make sure you change your filters once a year to keep them at peak efficiency and if you use store bought RO check it regularly to ensure they are changing their filters regularly.
Perform Regular Water Changes:
Performing regular water changes is necessary to maintain a healthy tank. Change out 10-20 per cent of the tank’s water every 1-2 weeks, and make sure to use pure RO/DI water. We always recommend adding a bit of bacteria just to help the tank through any changes.
Monitor Temperature and Lighting:
Marine fish live in a specific temperature range and require different lighting levels depending on the species. It is important to monitor the tank’s temperature and ensure the lighting system is adequate for your particular setup.
Use Quality Filtration:
Quality filtration is essential for maintaining a healthy marine tank. Make sure to choose equipment that is appropriate for the size of your tank and regularly clean or replace this as needed. Under efficient heaters and skimmers will lead to a lot of issues down the line.
Add Live Rock and Bio Balls:
Live rock can provide beneficial bacteria, shelter, and food for your marine life. However, it should be added in moderation if the rock is not already seeded. If its new rock or bio balls, soak them for a week in water and beneficial bacteria to allow new growth and add them to the tank once established.
Add Corals:
Adding corals can help improve water quality and provide interesting habitats for your fish, shrimp, snails, etc. Make sure to research each type of coral before adding it to your tank. Check out our selection of LPS, SPS & Soft Corals.
Add CUC:
Let someone else do all the hard work, adding clean up crew can really reduce the amount of time spent maintaining your tank, snails clean glass, crabs eat any excess foods and shrimps can help with parasites. Make sure you have researched the snails and crabs to ensure they are compatible with their new tank mates. Check out our selection of Clean Up Crew.
Regularly Check for Signs of Disease:
It is important to regularly check your fish and other marine life for signs of disease, such as white spots, discoloured patches or cloudy eyes. Immediately quarantine the affected animal(s) if you see any signs and treat them accordingly.